
Coming this Fall…

Join the M.E.L.T.

This is a Mite Elite League and Training program offered by Power-Pole Arena and NHL Alumni

The Home of full-ice Mite hockey!

All players will be Tucker Trained along with other NHL Alumni.

Two practices per week, and a 30-game schedule.

Following the release of SAHOF’s Travel Mite plan outlining one sixty-minute jamboree per month (6) in total, we are offering another option.

Our new league ensures rapid growth, excitement  and a challenge to compete against other top Mites in the area.

Practicing and playing against top area players every week will establish a great work ethic which will prepare your player for Squirt hockey.


Click here for pre-screening and more info:

Players will be notified of their immediate acceptance, or whether they are required for an evaluation skate.

Yours in hockey,

John Tucker:


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